
BUCEO VALLARTECH S DE RL DE CV with address at Calle Proa without number 24, Col. Marina Vallarta, city of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco C.P. 48335 informs you that your personal data, including sensitive and patrimonial or financial data, collected as a result of the commercial or legal relationship that we have held, or that, where appropriate, is held, will be processed for all purposes related to said relationship, such as: identification, operation, administration, analysis, offer and promotion of goods, products and services and / or commercial prospecting, as well as to fulfill the obligations derived from such relationship and other compatible or similar purposes, leaving the agreement that you accept the transfer that could be made (V) (if applicable: to entities that are directly or indirectly part of the company, its subsidiaries and affiliates and) to third parties, nationals or foreigners.

To limit the use and disclosure of your data, we will maintain security and confidentiality policies and procedures.

The exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition (IV) - as of January 6, 2012 - (transitory fourth) and the revocation of consent, must be done in writing at the aforementioned address, or through the page This notice, as well as its modifications, will be available to you on the page or informed through any means of communication that we have with you (VI).

NOTE: References in Roman numerals refer to the sections of article 16 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

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